The Forestry Department is responsible for the management, planning, protection and development of the Permanent Reserved Forests (PRF) in accordance with the National Forestry Policy (NFP) 1992 and the National Forestry Act (NFA) 1984.
Job Vacancies At Jabatan Pertanian Sabah 1. Pengurus Projek
2. Pegawai Lapangan (Program Penguatkuasaan)
3. Pegawai Lapangan (Program Sistem Pemantauan)
4. Pegawai Perhubungan Komuniti
5. Kerani Pentadbiran dan Akaun
6. Pembantu Tadbir
7. Penyelia Lapangan / Fasilitator Komuniti
8. Tukang perahu
Closing date 25 March 2014
Vacancies details